Disabling the Internet Did Not Turn Out To Be One Of My Better Ideas…

10 12 2007

Talk about the last time I will ever listen to Ramxpage about doing something.  We were trying to hook up her computer to our wireless network so we could play World of Warcraft, but it wasn’t working because she wasn’t getting a very good signal, and we were getting frustrated.  So, we went to my computer, and we were trying to use it as a model to hook up hers.  She told me to try disabling it to see if we could hook up hers.

Disabled it.  And then couldn’t re-enable it.  We were screwed.  I knew the whole process that would lead to the discovery and here it would go: My mother would get up early in the morning to get on the internet to check her usual sites.  She would discover that it wasn’t working, and she would call my dad, and he would get all red in the face and then come to see me, ask me what happened, ask me if I was sure.  I would say I didn’t do anything and then we would go for a while and he would come back, ask me again, and I would still lie.

That is exactly how it happened.  And I got grounded for a month, but the computer’s internet works, and I can’t get on the computer at home, so I am doing all my blogging at school.  Myles, I won’t be able to talk to you for a month, except on our blogs when I am at school.  Sorry!

Anyway, Ramxpage was over at my house this weekend, as you now know, and we had a lot of fun.  We watched Moulin Rouge twice, because it is the most amazing movie ever.  We had marshmallows, and Dum-Dums, and we drank a  twelve pack of Mountain Dew, just because we’re American like that.  😀

I finished reading For A Few Demons More, cried when I finished that, and then began reading Divine Secrets of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood which made me cry some more, because I was like, wow, me and my mom don’t have the exact same relationship, but it is very similar.  There are some parts where I am just like, wow, that is really close to what happened to me.  Must get someone to read that book so they can talk to me about it.  😀 But, yesterday, I think something was wrong with my horomones because I just kept randomly bursting into tears and the littlest things.  Uncle T.O.M has come to town.

So I can’t use the computer for a month, I cannot have anyone over, I cannot go anywhere, blah, blah, blah.  Which, the computer thing sucks, because I can’t work on my book to make ramxpage the Queen of England.  (She said that the day I finished a novel was the day she became the Queen of England.  She is going to be the Queen of England some time very soon.)  I got a new story line, but I am thinking about conforming my original story line to the new one, because it will be very, very interesting.  For me, at least. 

Anyway, I am still on the hunt for love.  I am not discouraged, but watching Moulin Rouge put my life into a new kind of light.  So, cheers to the rest of you!  Mazel tov!



5 responses

10 12 2007

OOOOOOOOOOOOH! See, I got Aunt Flow, or Floe, or…Flo……..right. Anyways, I got THAT one, but I JUST got Uncle TOM! See, the letters stand for what I think they do! Heehee! It’s harder when you talk…you know…and stuffs. 🙂 I know I know…I’m just a freak of nature. But you like your little freak of nature that bugs you for the second half of your school day, right? ^-^

~Wingedhamham~ (^.^)v PEACE!

11 12 2007

I love you hamham.
p.s. Did I mention that I loved you?

11 12 2007

Ok so listen, just tell the whole world its my fault you got grounded why dont you. Geeze, it was just an idea okay. GEE! i didn’t actually think you would listen to me. COME ON! my intelligence is slim to none. you know that. UGH! make me feel bad. HAHA.

oh yeah

just remember these three things.
2. The gun supposably hit the empire state building in the end.

last but not least..

3. its : a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z.


11 12 2007

oh that i is capital so it looks like an L ha

16 12 2007

I don’t get it.

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