Seraphim: An Allegorical Tale of Good and Evil

16 02 2008
For the moment, the story is called Seraphim. There is a book by Faith Hunter called Seraph and I hate being anywhere close to anyone’s writing. It makes me feel like I’m stealing. That’s why I quit most of my writing–it sounds too much like the books I read. Every writer will be influenced by the books they read, but I don’t want to be too close. I can be close without being unoriginal. And since I have never read Faith’s book, I can’t say that I’m copying. I may read the book when I a done writing my story, so she doesn’t influence me, or make me feel bad about my writing.
Okay, anyway. I’ve been thinking about allegories since I watched Monsters, Inc. in film criticism earlier this year. I thought it was really cool, and contemplated writing an allegory. Things like that take a lot of intelligent thought and time. I had neither at that moment. (Ha, Kaelie made a funny…) So, I completely abandoned an allegory until I could come up with something decent.
I recently read The Scarlet Letter (yes, I know, I cringe when I think about it, too.) by Nathaniel Hawthorne and he was a genius–a boring one, but a genius. He used color symbolism, just flat out symbolism, and parables. I take a lot of example from him. Most of the American population hates him–I hate his books, but I respect his writing. So, then color symbolism appeared in my writing. It’s really subtle stuff. Like hair color, eye color, shadow play. If someone has a different hair or eye color from everyone else they are either bad or just really different. It really depends on the context and who the person is. Like, with Haven and Lucius. One has dark hair, one has blond hair. I already know why, but you don’t. The people that have read stories will be able to tell you, though. So talk to hamz or fluffy about it. They’re on my blogroll. You can even ask me, but sometimes I might not tell you, because I don’t risk talking about other stories while I’m in the middle of a project–like I am right now–because it distracts me.
Anyway, plot synopsis. Angels and demons basically, the usual good vs. evil story. OR IS IT? The main character is an “angel” by the name of Meliakos. She doesn’t have a last name as of yet. Maybe they don’t have last names in the celestial worlds–I don’t know yet. Her hair is black, and her eyes are green. Angels don’t have a specific eye color nor do they have black hair–it’s usually blond or really light brown. The only blond color however is like the true blond color. Not white, not platinum, not dirty, but the true blond. Like Rachel Ramxpage’s hair, if you want to be absolutely sure. (For the record, the blond hair that I use in my writing is normally her hair color.) I’ve lost my point. Meliakos–call me Mel–meets a blond demon named Gabriel, and he is the other “half” of the balance that angels have an annoying tendency to enforce and need. He is the second part of the allegory.
Mel is an angel, but she isn’t necessarily good. Gabriel is a demon, but he isn’t necessarily bad. The allegory? This allegory is ethics. If you can tell what’s what just by this little excerpt, props to you, if not, I’m happy because the allegory will be a surprise when you read the story. Right now, I just have it set as a short story, not a full fledged novel. I don’t know if I can get it to be that long.
Well, happy President’s Day if I’m not back by then.



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