The End of the Road

12 10 2007

“This is the end of the road, the end of the road for you.”


If I could post music links, I would so you could hear Spencer Chamberlain scream his lungs out of this line because it gives me goosebumps–the voice and the lyrics combined.  This little quote disturbs me, but I don’t know why.  I think if someone said that to me, I would stand there like a deer in the headlights, absolutely paralyzed, because, you know, no one says that to someone else.  It is slightly disturbing.  Well, this blog is so pointless except to cite my fear of someone saying that to me, so bye.


World of Warcraft

12 10 2007

So, I am definitely trying to help my friend with our project, but sometime, there is really nothing to do right now…so I’m useless…for now.  Anyway.  wow, I really don’t understand the whole cyber friend thing…I just don’t.  I think it is really, really…weird.  I just can’t have a friend that I’ve never met in real life, because that would just bother me and you don’t even know what kind of things bother me, but that would.  Wow, that was probably a run-on sentence, but oh, well.  I keep using the acronym for World of Warcraft a lot in this blog post.  Well, maybe she needs me for something… nope.  Still waiting.  This is going to take us forever still and we have only like an hour and twenty minutes to finish this all up…I really hope this turns out well, because if not we are so SCREWED.  I should check the class blog…