To Those Who Care

26 10 2007

This is more to the king of kewtness, who I have just recently started speaking to.  I don’t really know him, but he strikes me as intelligent, and he left me a comment that made me want to cry because it was the nicest thing anyone has said to me all day.  He’s right.  We do need to change the system, because this system isn’t working.  I am really frustrated right now because people are just one my last, poor, fragile nerve.  I am on the verge of tears right now because I really have no friends right now.  Rampage is irritated because I am never at school in the morning when she gets there because I am normally with three of my guy friends, someone who will remain nameless is getting on my nerves and I wish he would stop talking to me, and another nameless person is just so annoying that I want to hit him sometimes, and he has the nerve to say, “I love you,” before leaving and expect me to say it back!  Are you frigging kidding me?  I cannot tell you how annoyed I am.

Thank you, king of kewtness, hope to talk to you soon.
