They’re here!…With No Piercings…

5 10 2007

I just got my Jonas Brothers cd today!  *screams*  I am so ‘cited.  I am actually listening to it right now, and I love it.  I sound like such a dork, but they are absolutely amazing, like I’m not even kidding.  I can tell you what I will be listening to while I do my homework…

I am conducting a poll about tatoos and piercings and I have one thing to say.  Some piercings are really, really gross, like not even kidding.  If you have a few, great.  But if you take out your piercings and you don’t have a face left…you have some serious issues, my friend.  However, I will say this:  Snake bites are the sexiest piercings in the world.  I am not even kidding.  For those of you who don’t know what they are, they are lip piercings that line up with your incisors.  I’ll post a picture of Sonny Moore, lead singer of From First To Last, who has these piercings.from_first_to_last-sonny_moore.jpg

Aren’t they hot, or what!?

The Common Teenage Relationship

5 10 2007

I thought I would post this for a very, very curious teacher.  I think that this teacher doesn’t really understand how we act and she wants to know why.  Well, I think the teacher knows who she is, so here!  I shall explain everything!….That I understand.

First on the list.  The boy-girl relationship.  Well, there are a lot of relationship nowadays that are friends with extreme benefits.  I mean EXTREME. For example, after Aviator dumped me, he still acted like we were going out.  All the kissing and stuff like that.  That irritated me.  That’s how most things work.  You can never tell when people are going out, and you can never tell when they break up.  I’m not even kidding.  It gets so annoying to the point where I don’t care anymore.  A lot of people never talk to each other, like who like somebody else.  In that type of relationship, it’s usually based on looks, so, maybe it’s a good idea that they never speak.  Guys can actually be really mean, but a lot of them tease.  But the teasing often go above the limit after a while…I would know.  A lot of the guys just don’t know when to stop.

What really strikes me as funny is the fact that some guys expect you to take hints about certain things, like the arm about the waist (I actually get that one quite a bit) and stuff like that, but when you hang out with the people I do, you don’t take anything seriously.  And then the guy gets ticked and you find out he likes you, but not anymore because you didn’t get the signals he was sending you.  HELLO!  WHERE WERE THE SIGNALS!?  I had a few experiences with what we call a man whore.  They will touch anybody, and that has really ruined my image of men, I’m telling you.

Okay, now, amongst friends, there are usually times when one group is completely dissolved because they all get into a fight.  I actually hate where I hang out in the morning because of all the retarded freshman.  There are a couple really annoying, really gross freshman and I am forced to stand in their prescence because they decided to integrate themselves into my posse.  I noticed also, that people are usually friends throughout high school, but the best friend for life (aka bffl) usually changes every one to two years.  Not even kidding.  But, like me, I had not choice.  My best friend overdosed last year, and I had to find a new friend, and I found Rampage because of my friend.  Guys have their best friends, but they are just like….I don’t know.  They are content to play Halo 3 or whatever game is out now, and sit in silence.  Girls cannot endure silence, unless you are me and Rampage.  We know each other so well that we can sit contently in silence on the telephone and do our own seperate things.

I knew that my teacher was curious about fights, and I will tell you unbiased that this is the God honest truth: It is usually the black people who get in a fight.  There is usually one black person involved, and I will tell you why.  White people are irritated as easily. I don’t know why, but we don’t get all worked up about the stupidest things.  They just get all worked up and their first reaction?  HIT ‘EM IN THE FACE!  I am not even kidding you.  That may sound really racist, but it’s true.  If they conducted a study, I would be like, “Told you so.” 

Did that help?  I hope so.

The Bird and The Worm

5 10 2007

This is one of me and my sister’s favorite music videos.  As you already know, I love The Used, and you get to see why!!!  This video is absolutely amazing, like the song.  It may seem a little weird, but that’s why it is so good.

My Future Husband

5 10 2007

Okay, for those of you who know me, you know that The Used is my favorite band.  They are just soooo talented, and I love their music, lyrics….I love them.  Anyway.  I have been listening to The Used for two weeks straight and I just thought I should tell 220px-bert_mccracken.jpgyou that I am determined to marry Bert McCracken.  There are a lot of advantages to this.  A: He can serenade me every night before I go to bed.  B: He is best friends with the lead singer of My Chemical Romance (another really amazing band).  and C) He’s Bert McCracken.  Do I need to say anything else?  Their best song is definitely “I Caught Fire”.  I am going to show you my future husband, so watch out!  You will be calling me Mrs. Kaelie McCracken.

Fat Rings

5 10 2007

The next person who tells me not to eat something because it is unhealthy is going to get smacked.  I am not kidding people.  As long as I am happy and not having a heart attack on my way up the stairs at school, great.  Otherwise, then, yeah, I might listen to you.  Anyway.  I swear, I am so tired of hearing the following quote:
“I am so fat.  I need to stop eating this or I am going to get even more fat.”

Do you know who says this? THE SKINNY TWITS CALLED CHEERLEADERS!  I have nothing against cheerleaders, but girls like them are the only ones who have the weight complex besides the extremely obese guys, and sometimes, they don’t even care.  Get with it people! 

Fat is a very loose terms nowadays.  I know what fat is.  Fat is when you have trouble walking up the stairs  (this doesn’t count for the smokers, because they have problems with all sorts of activity) and when you cannot stop eating.  You only get fat if you sit on your ass all day and eat.  However, that’s not true, because I know people who sit on their ass all day and eat, because I’m friends with quite a few of them.

There is the pleasantly plump crowd that I adore.  They are all filled out, their clothes look really good because it suits them, and…they just look really good.  Personally, anyone I date has to weigh as much as I do, or more.  (I however do have my limits).  I cannot date someone I can break with a hug.  Since you can perfectly fit an arm around my waist, I think I am at a good weight.  But, maybe that’s just me.

And then you have sickeninly skinny people who look like the wind’s going to blow them over.  This is just stupid.  Unless you have a freakishly fast metabolism (I understand, which is why I never lose, nor gain weight) you really don’t have an excuse. But if you are straight up starving yourself, I have one thing to say to you.


You have to eat.  There just isn’t any question about it.  God did not put chocolate on this earth so we can starve ourselves.  That was not his purpose.  Maybe it’s just me.  There are some people I just want to shove down and stuff them full of food until they resemble a human being instead of a skeleton. 

Speaking of all of this, why am I posting this?  Because my friend brought in doughnuts and she was like, “WHO WANTS A FAT RING?  FAT RING, ANYONE?”  It was pretty funny, and it got me thinking about America’s “weight problem.”


5 10 2007

Well, today, our yearbook advisor sent us out to rope off a section of the football stadium.  We didn’t even get the right section.  We roped off the wrong section, were almost late to fifth period and someone was freaking out because someone had a cigarette and it wasn’t even important!  Just for the record, I like the old smoky scent.  I find it very comforting, although no one in my family smokes.  (Except for some great-relatives).  I was about to cry, because it was so frustrating.  It was so hot, you don’t even know.  And we couldn’t get back into the building.  Straight up.  We went around to almost every single door, and none of them were unlocked, and we had sent someone to find out what we were supposed to be doing.  She never came back, and we don’t even know how she got back into the building.  URGH!  Well, that was another day in my life.